Project Safe Haven: A Comprehensive Approach to Combating Homelessness in Malaysia
BLOG Week 10 Addressing Homelessness For the Future -Introducing Project Safe Haven- By OPM Group Introduction: By So Matthew Christian (TP075241, Adrico Corson Mulia (TP073788) , Brandon Indradjaja ( TP072931 ), and Evan Ferdinand Xie (TP073921) on May 26, 2024 Within the world, there are several major issues with certain impacts on the society, be that as if political problems, social problems, or even climate issues (Iberdrola, 2021). Those problems are perpetuated and nearly impossible to solve. On this day’s topic, our team addresses the biggest and hardest issue within Malaysia and it is homelessness. Homelessness always remains one of the prominent issues of our time and there are several causes that even the people who experience cannot solve. The complexities and reasons are found difficult to be comprehended as it is a mix of social, economic and personal factors that makes it difficult to be solved with a single instant action. Therefore...