
Showing posts from May, 2024

Project Safe Haven: A Comprehensive Approach to Combating Homelessness in Malaysia

  BLOG Week 10 Addressing Homelessness For the Future -Introducing Project Safe Haven- By OPM Group Introduction: By   So Matthew Christian (TP075241, Adrico Corson Mulia (TP073788)  , Brandon Indradjaja  ( TP072931 ), and  Evan Ferdinand Xie (TP073921)   on May 26, 2024 Within the world, there are several major issues with certain impacts on the society, be that as if political problems, social problems, or even climate issues (Iberdrola, 2021). Those problems are perpetuated and nearly impossible to solve. On this day’s topic, our team addresses the biggest and hardest issue within Malaysia and it is homelessness. Homelessness always remains one of the prominent issues of our time and there are several causes that even the people who experience cannot solve. The complexities and reasons are found difficult to be comprehended as it is a mix of social, economic and personal factors that makes it difficult to be solved with a single instant action. Therefore...

Navigating the Rise and Fall: Analyzing Richard Branson's Virgin Group

  ENTREPRENEUR WEEK 9 THINKING THE UNTHINKABLE Examining the Virgin Group By OPM Group   Introduction: By   So Matthew Christian (TP075241 )   on May 19, 2024 Every business has its rise and fall conditions to specific times. Even the greatest or the most successful entrepreneurs often face difficult times, resulting in near bankruptcy due to unexpected circumstances. Entrepreneurs are marked by their clever innovations and ambition, they know how to maintain a sustainable business that could be competent and rival companies. But what if there are odd feelings that could overcome or take control of entrepreneurs' passion and achievement? Our group has analyzed one of the wealthiest entrepreneurs, the founder of Virgin, the global growth investor, and the one and only Richard Branson.    The Journey of Richard Branson: Born in 1950, Richard Branson started venturing at a young age, his first career was a magazine called “The Student '' of...

Empowering Communities: The Holistic Approach of Damai Disabled Persons Association Malaysia

ENTREPRENEUR WEEK 8 - BLOG INTRODUCTION: By   So Matthew Christian (TP075241 )   on May 12, 2024              Creating or engaging communities requires a holistic approach toward others, especially when involving our design thinking. Additionally, Design Thinking is a primary mindset that solves the problem by prioritizing consumer needs as the individuals observing the environment and empathy (Tuttle, 2021). Our team has a high interest in researching DDPAM (Damai Disabled Person Association Malaysia) since they amazed us with how they treat and encourage disabled people to live independently and on par with society. WHAT IS?:             “Dedication” is not a simple word; it contains a strong meaning that we are committed and loyal and put our strength towards something for the greater good, and yes, we have seen it on DDPAM. It all started in 1988 when the community was formed by...

Addressing Traffic Congestion: A Comprehensive Solution Approach

ENTREPRENEUR WEEK 7 - BLOG INTRODUCTION By   So Matthew Christian (TP075241 )   on May 4, 2024 Living in the modern age brings many advantages to society, especially when things are embedded with technology or automatons, and activities become very convenient. However, humans are created with complicated emotions and problems; life becomes more challenging as they age. Researchers and Specialists analyze our complexities and delve deeper into our environment. Subsequently, humans can also develop certain mindsets to face problems despite the difficulties. Thus, several issues have been diverted, such as wicked problems that raise interest in being studied. PROBLEM DEFINITION - WICKED PROBLEM: As a starter, “Wicked Problem” does not have a proper definition to elaborate on, approaching the definition of a complex problem that is nearly impossible to solve (Charles, 2014). Our team is very interested in the most common global situation that occurs almost daily: traffic congest...