Embracing Society 5.0: The Path to Technological Innovation and Entrepreneurship By Adrico Corson Mulia (TP073788) on March 30, 2024 In 2016, the Japanese government came up with Society 5.0, also known as the Super Smart Society, which is a concept of a future society driven by the new industrial revolution. Continuing the innovations of Societies 1.0 (hunter-gatherer), 2.0 (agricultural), 3.0 (industrialized), and 4.0 (information) (Richard, 2021). It relies on modern technologies like big data analysis, artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, and robotics. Adapting to society 5.0 requires an understanding of the technology works, encourages innovation, and more. By implementing this strategy, individuals and organizations can develop and adapt to the progress of society. In the Society 5.0 era, some advancements have been made ever since. For organizations, the adoption of digitalization has become a must. This includes data migration on cloud platforms a...